On the normal days

I’m kind of feeling like I should take note of these days…you know, life that’s happening when I’m not panicking about what ‘tomorrow’ will hold for us.  ‘Cause, despite what my posts on here might seem to indicate, I really am trying to maintain some sense of normalcy.  Here’s some moments, as proof…

…Isabelle officially crawling, just in the last week.

…Elijah finally catching on (somewhat) to the whole addition and subtraction thing.

…rediscovering my love for the O.C. Supertones, and doing my very best [read: ridiculously unimpressive] ska dancing with my kids while completely ignoring the fact that schoolwork and chores were supposed to be happening

…watching Ken Burns’ Jazz documentary as a start to our history unit on the roaring twenties.  Possibly a bit self-serving, since I find it fascinating and my kids…well…don’t, but I think it is giving a good picture of what life looked like for certain segments of society at the time.

…Tim working on the house for his Mom…she was going to hire someone to do the work, so he is now the “someone”.  It’s been a mild adjustment not having him around the house all day…some of it difficult, but some of it beneficial, too.  Just a temporary solution to the job need…I have mixed feelings about it, but I can’t deny that it’s better than nothing.

…eating eggs a lot.  We get 13-15 eggs a day, which means most days need to include a meal of eggs.  Surprisingly, I’m not tired of them, though the kids have had their moments.  Tim has figured it out to be just under $2 a dozen, when taking everything into consideration, which is definitely a more economical alternative than most other proteins, so I’m not complaining.

…very little sleep.  Well, okay, for me what I get is very little.  And actually, it’s more the lack of uninterrupted sleep.  Isabelle has been waking up a minimum of 3 times a night with very few exceptions for more than 2 months.  She’s had a cold this week, which has meant even more interruptions, and more difficulty in getting her back to sleep.  It affects me…energy, mood, productivity, patience, and the quantity of desserts I eat.  I almost never ate sweets before I had kids…but, I digress.

…calisthenics every school day before recess (outside play time)…stretching, sit-ups, push-ups and jumping jacks.  It hardly constitutes a PE class, but it’s something.  And maybe, eventually, they’ll all have it firmly ingrained in their minds that push-ups require bending their elbows, and not just moving their waists up and down.

…reading to my Ava Grace, and “eating” all of the fantastic play food creations she brings me throughout the day.  Also, our many-times-a-day exchange of I love you/I love you, too; you’re beautiful/you’re beautiful, too; you’re cute/ you’re cute, too; you’re precious/you’re precious, too; and, occasionally, you’re handsome/no, Daddy and Caedmon and Nathanael and Elijah are handsome; oh.

Well, speaking of Isabelle not sleeping…I guess I’ve got to be done.

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