
It seems like life just gets harder with each year that passes.  I honestly feel like I’ve aged ten years this past year.  I woke up this morning feeling like I’d been hit by a truck, and unfortunately this isn’t unusual.  I injured an elbow and a shoulder last year, on the same arm, and both still cause me pain almost daily.  My gray hairs and forehead wrinkles have multiplied exponentially.  My metabolism seems to have slowed to a frustrating rate and exercising gives me headaches.  Even on the rare occasion I don’t have a child waking me up multiple times a night, I don’t sleep well because my back and arms ache.  My brain is in a fog, my body hurts and my heart hurts.  It makes me not so very excited to celebrate another year of life.

But I know there are good things.

I have a husband who loves me and serves me and protects me and prays for me and tells me I’m beautiful.

I have children who are smart and healthy and affectionate…who love me even when I don’t deserve it.

I have a God who sees all that I am and loves me with a zeal that I can’t wrap my head around.

And as much as I wish other things were different, the truth is that I have the best of the most important things and I am thankful for that.


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