our teenager

Caedmon is 13 today.  And, yes, I’m more than a little taken aback by the fact that our little guy is now a teenager.  I almost broke down when it hit me as I was walking through Walmart the other day.  I got teary-eyed and suddenly wanted to buy anything I could find to make his day special.  I mostly restrained myself with reminders that “stuff” isn’t really the best way to communicate love, but that momentary perspective shift from the everyday myopia of just addressing whatever the day brings, to the recognition (not for the first time) of how thankful I am for Caedmon and how much I like him, has stayed with me.  He’s really an amazing kid.  He is so genuine, so smart, so funny.  He takes on so many responsibilities without complaint.  He has such an earnest desire to know the Lord and to honor Him in his days.

Yeah, there’s plenty of less-than-perfect in the kid, but for thirteen?  He’s got a lot figured out.

I’m glad for his birthday this year if only for the fact that it forces me to pause and reflect on just how much of a blessing I have in this son of mine.