
…this morning I looked up the lyrics for, and sang to my children, “I Lost My Poor Meatball”.  As you can see, I am giving my kids a very cultured upbringing ;).

…I have started drinking coffee almost daily this past month or so.  I never thought I would see this day, and I’m thinking that once warm weather hits, it will become mere history…but for now, a hot cup of coffee with copious amounts of sugar is very appealing on cold, gray mornings after what have often been less-than-restful nights.

…the room that houses my treadmill is a work-zone at the moment, so exercise has become much more sporadic.  Okay, so my lack of energy may also have something to do with it.  The temperature outside today is pretty well perfect for running, though, so maybe I can find motivation for that.  We’ll see.

…When I painted the master bedroom more than 2 years ago, I missed a spot (well actually, I did a spot poorly and there are white spots showing through).  I am determined to rectify that this week.  Better late than never, right?

…I have started ironing clothes.  I was never taught to iron and it honestly always seemed like so much effort for so little reward.  But wrinkled collars and hems started to bother me, so I convinced Tim that I needed an ironing board (which was a longer process than one might think, due to personality differences) and set it up in my bedroom.  It’s not the most aesthetically pleasing possibility, but it’s convenient, which is the difference between success and failure at this point.  Maybe someday it will become enough of a habit that I can tuck it away in an unseen corner and still get it done.  But that day is not yet here.  Baby steps, I guess.

…I love Ava’s blue eyes and long, dark eyelashes.  I have always wished God had given me blue eyes instead of  brown, but I guess getting to admire my daughter’s is the next best thing.  And I think she’s already figuring out how to use it to her advantage.

…My children are learning to wash dishes.  Some people may think that this is a task that could have been taught before now.  But since we have no dishwasher, and really, really clean dishes is one thing that I am semi-neurotic about, I am even now having a difficult time trusting that they can be as careful and attentive as I would like.  So, I have a learning curve here, too…learning to be consistent in inspecting, learning to be patient in correcting, learning to discern the line between carelessness and honest mistakes.  Not my favorite lessons, honestly, but necessary, I suppose.

And that is some of the randomness of life these days.  Nothing short of riveting, right?


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