Thoughts on a birthday

Tim had a birthday yesterday.  When I think about what makes him so amazing – even on a regular basis, but more so when life seems to be in a bit of upheaval – I most often think of his servant’s heart.  This heart that enables him to look past himself to see what someone else’s needs are and then give all of himself to meet that need.

Obviously, I see it most clearly in how he serves me and our family – sacrificing sleep, personal comfort, his own [long] project list, and so much more, so that we are taken care of.  But, I see it everywhere else, too.  With extended family, with neighbors, with coworkers, with anyone that ever asks anything of him…or, really, with anyone that he sees in need…he will lay aside his preferences and go out of his way to make life easier for them.

And it’s not out of obligation (though, he might sometimes assert that it is), but rather, any time his desire to help someone is challenged (I know from personal experience), his response never has anything to do with himself, but is always based on what is best for the other person.  Even if someone has hurt him, or been selfish, or disregarded his help in the past, his response doesn’t change.

Though he will say that he’s not a compassionate person, I can’t say that I’ve known anyone with more genuine compassion than my husband.  It is a joy, and often a source of conviction, to walk beside him and see the outworking of this in our lives.  I am so thankful for him.

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