
Today was a blur.  It was starting school day and the start of two weeks of a no-sugar-added diet.  But it was a mess because of me.  Because of a headache and tears and exhaustion and dizziness and disorganization and the inability to get anything right.  I couldn’t think straight and I had no patience and nothing was going the way I needed it to go.

But I woke up with a song in my head, over and over reminding me that His grace covers me.  And as I staggered under the weight of my brokenness, I heard that still small voice whisper…everyone’s broken…and  I found some relief in knowing that it’s not just me that can’t be perfect without Him.  And as I wondered at this day and these days that seem so barren – fruitless and hopeless and hard – I read, again, about how He makes my feet like hind’s feet and makes me walk high places.  Places that require agility and strength and skill…things that don’t come from walking the verdant valleys of level ground and ready provision. These reminders swirled in the dense fog of my day and never really settled my anxious heart, but they were there.  God was there.  Sometimes He shows up when I don’t even realize how much I need Him to, and proves that He still knows my heart.

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