5 years old, a little late

So, Isabelle’s 5th birthday came and went, along with all the usual celebratory trappings, but I forgot to note it in a blog post.  Life is always busy in May, and especially so this year, it seems, but it matters to me that I take time to write about each of my kids on their birthdays.

With Isabelle in particular, and this year in particular, it matters even more.  Because this year has been tough on my Sweetpea, I think. She is in that unenviable position of not being in school yet, but not really needing my attentions to manage most of her day-to-day existence.  So, while the older kids have a built-in amount of attention in the form of teaching and directing in chores and answering school-related questions, and while Lucas is in that mode of needing constant oversight if I hope for the very structure of our home to make it through a day, Isabelle has, unfortunately, been left to fend for herself too much of the time.

On top of that, she was really hit hard by her Grandma passing away this year.  Even though her comprehension of it all was, I’m sure, a little fuzzy, she lost someone who lavished her with attention, who was always willing to answer a question, or let her water flowers and fill bird feeders, or be a glad recipient of Isabelle’s forceful hugs.  A void was definitely left in my little girl’s heart by this loss.

Nonetheless, Isabelle has paved a way for herself in so many things.  She persistently asks questions, and will volunteer to do ANYTHING, even things she just can’t quite do yet.  She has learned her letters and numbers and counting to a hundred and spelling her name, and so many random facts about things simply by being inquisitive, and without any prompting from me.

She absolutely loves singing and dancing and just performed in her very first dance recital.  She daily requests an audience for her latest Isabelle-original song or dance, which she always performs with great expressiveness and energy.

Isabelle is amazingly articulate.  She has an impressive vocabulary and is an exceptionally clear communicator for a five-year-old, although she occasionally struggles with shyness in unfamiliar situations, at which point she will staunchly refuse to utter a single word.

She is a born nurturer.  Whenever someone isn’t feeling good, she is quick to take care of them, and sticks with them throughout the day to attend to every need (which she does quite well).

Her natural personality is best characterized as exuberant.  She hops her way through life, bounces into hugs, gives the biggest, cheesiest grins anytime a camera is pointed her way, laughs loud (and screams loud).  She does everything with flair.  She LOVES playing dress-up and pretend. She is intelligent and determined and silly and strong and loving.

I am so thankful for her and I love her beyond words.


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