
This one’s hard for me.  I’m sure next year will be harder still.  Caedmon is another year older, another year closer to adulthood.  It would be an understatement to say I’ve shed a few tears over this fact.

But right now, I’m not going to borrow trouble worrying about the future or reliving the past.  I’m simply going to celebrate who Caedmon is today.

Today, Caedmon is a hard worker who identifies what needs to be done, and does it.

Caedmon is a terrific big brother who has wrestling matches with Lucas, plays games with his littlest sisters, and [usually] graciously fills the role of everyone’s first choice for sharing ideas or new knowledge or funny stories.

Caedmon is intelligent and diligent.  His respectably high PSAT scores have resulted in a steady stream of emails and brochures from colleges eager to capture his interest.

Caedmon still, and probably forever, loves Lego.  It has been his most enduring interest and still comprises a healthy portion of any Christmas or birthday wish list.

Caedmon is a talented musician.  Though events this past year have limited any performance opportunities, he has continued with saxophone lessons virtually, and spends considerable free time at the piano or transcribing music by ear.

Caedmon is, somewhat unwittingly, learning how to tackle many home improvement projects.  From installing a sump pump, to plastering a wall (with real plaster, not drywall compound), to putting up ceiling joists, to insulating walls, to starting on scraping and painting our garage, he has learned a lot of new skills, just this past year alone.

Caedmon is an avid writer.  He has written both a juvenile fiction chapter book, which I’ve read and honestly think is great, and a novel-length young adult book that he is still revising.  He is looking into publishing options and preparing to do what he needs to do to see his books in print.

Caedmon is someone I consider a good friend.  Odd for me, as I still have to occasionally engage in disciplining, lecturing and (hopefully not harsh) taskmaster-ing(?), but I genuinely enjoy his company, and hearing his thoughts, and goofing around with him.  I might be biased, but I think he’s a phenomenal young man.  To say I’m thankful for him doesn’t begin to describe how grateful I am that God made me Caedmon’s mom.  I truly so excited to be able to celebrate this oldest son of mine on his seventeenth birthday, and I hope and pray for many, many more.

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