I guess I’ll call him Nathanael this year

Fifteen years with Nathanael.  This year, he officially surpassed me in height…and if his appetite is any indication, he’s still got quite a bit of growing to do.  My once stocky – maybe a little soft around the middle at times – little boy is now tall, lanky and strong, but still, as always, rough and tumble and tough.  He faces the (maybe common?) homeschooled-boy longing to compete in sports and showing off his athletic abilities, but for now he focuses his energy on Tae Kwon Do, at which he demonstrates particular agility, precision and quick thinking.

This year has seemed difficult for Nathanael.  Schoolwork that he normally would have aced with little effort often demonstrated a distracted, disinterested mind.  I don’t know for sure what he was struggling with – and I honestly don’t think he knew either – but my guess is that Tim not feeling well for the entirety of last school year weighed heavily on my Bug.  He has always been, and still remains, quiet but deeply thoughtful…rarely emotional on the exterior, but quick to look out for the needs of others; still the one to trail behind with the stragglers on a family hike (though he could easily outpace us all), still the one to let others have their preference, still silently coming alongside me or others to help without being asked.  And seeing his dad’s health falter, seeing me overwhelmed, and him not being able to fix it probably hit him harder than he could even process.

But, though it wasn’t his best year, he still, objectively, did well in school…and stepped more into the role of our resident handyman.  From replacing the locking mechanism on our washer, to adding studs to a brick wall, to assembling kitchen cabinets, and many odd jobs in between, Nathanael has shown great aptitude and interest in just about any work that involves using tools or fixing things.

He is also our biggest fan of board games, crossword puzzles, and, really, puzzles of any variety.  He loves books, and reading words – literally any words, anywhere.  He asks thought-provoking questions about everything (seriously, every thought the kid has goes deep).  He still, and forever I think, loves yellow, and sugar, but he also loves vegetables and gardening.

I have been struck often throughout these fifteen years, too, about the disciple Nathanael (also Bartholomew), and how Jesus said he was a man in whom was no guile…and how much that applies to my Nathanael.  He is forthright, to the point, honest, and full of integrity.  Not that he never makes mistakes, or bad choices, but through all these fifteen years, I can’t think of a single time when he has tried to lie or deceive to avoid getting in trouble.  And he will, of his own accord, do what he needs to do to correct his wrongdoing.  I am so impressed by his character in this.

I am so impressed by a lot of things about my Bug.  I am thankful beyond words for this son of mine, and I really am truly happy to be celebrating his fifteen years.

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