seven years for Lucas

These birthdays of my littlest kiddo strike me differently. He’s my baby, and now he’s seven. Seven. Time flies, and more than ever, I wish it would slow down a little.  Those little boy hugs, with arms wrapped around my neck grow more precious with each day that passes, yet still, somehow days can pass without me taking much note of just how much this boy of mine is growing and learning.

Lucas, as he as ever been, remains the tornado that tears through our house each day.  I know that can sound negative – and maybe tornado is the wrong word – but though he does leave a certain amount of destruction in his wake, much of it is borne out of his desire to be productive.  He is constantly building with LEGO, or cardboard and tape, or even just paper.  He fixes loose screws and hammers down old nails that still stick up in our old wood floors.  He makes plans for menus, and writes “books”, and changes batteries in anything that might (or might not) need it.

He loves to play games and to be outside, and is on a fairly constant quest to compel a sibling or two to join him in one endeavor or the other.  He has taught himself “tricks” on his bicycle, which include standing on the seat, among other things…which is quite possibly why he is somewhat apprehensive about the possibility of scraping his knees, and insists on wearing pants even in the warmest of weather, so that his legs are protected.

With all of this busy-ness, obviously there is little time for school, in his eyes.  BUT, many days now, he accepts it as a necessary bump in the road.  While there are still too many fits about math and reading comprehension, most of these end up being the result of his tendency to discourage easily.  Some days, he’s convinced that subtraction is just too hard and impossible to learn (other days, he races through it with flying colors), which, not surprisingly, is also how he responds to cleaning his room, or any other chore that he doesn’t feel like he has time for.  He is improving, though, which is what matters.

And the biggest thing this year was Lucas’s decision to ask Jesus to be his Savior.  Though only six, he didn’t do so flippantly.  He thought through it over many weeks before deciding, and I’ve seen in the months since how God is working in his heart and mind.  He listens during our family devotion times and makes connections to verses he knows, or Bible stories he has read on his own.  He loves to pray, and demonstrates compassion and thoughtfulness as he does so.

Lucas is sweet and goofy and quick-witted and sensitive and strong and determined.  He gives butterfly kisses and still wants to be held during worship at church.  He is full of curiosity and energy and persistence.  There is always a little mischief in his eyes, but beyond-his-years comprehension of many things, too.  I am so thankful for this little kiddo and I love him with my whole heart.

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