Because I’m tired


…up at 6:30 (early for me), not because I was well rested, but because my body ached too much for me to go back to sleep.

…everyone bathed/showered and dressed by 8am.

…breakfast done being eaten by 9am (for us, this is almost unheard of).

…an hour and a half pruning tomato plants.  Probably not the best idea on little sleep and in muggy weather for this 8-months-pregnant lady.

…an episode of vomiting before lunch (most likely caused by the gardening exertion).

…lunch, and an episode of Master Chef.  I’m glad my kids seem to be on board with my love of cooking shows.

…some dishes washed.

…piles of laundry needing to be folded.

…a lower back that feels like it is going to go into spasms.

…trying to figure out dinner.  I have to use some of my squash.  Ugh.

…a very active baby, which is endearing in many ways, but does not help an unsettled tummy.

…a four year old who faithfully reports to me on the condition of our garden every morning after he empties our compost bucket, a 6 year old who is starting to love reading, a 2 year old who can melt my heart in spite of his recent defiant streak, an 8 year old who is willing to try just about any task I assign him (but who is especially eager if it involves food), a husband who loves me.


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