With November come a lot of “thankful” sentiments from, it seems, every direction.  Even non-Christians find value in thankfulness…and are able to see good things in life for which to be thankful.  As I consider thankfulness [and this may come as no surprise to those that know me], I struggle to find those good “things” that, when pondered, are expected to lift my spirits and cause all of life’s frustrations to fade into unimportance.

Really, I can easily identify blessings in my life, but they often don’t stir my heart to thankfulness.  I tend to think it is a bit contrived if thankfulness is borne of temporal provision.  If I say I am thankful for a healthy child, and tomorrow my child is sick, I’m left searching for another object of thankfulness.  And honestly, I think there are probably people for whom there are seasons with next to nothing to really be thankful for.  I would rather be thankful in all things, recognizing something that is good, but not claiming it as the reason for my heart’s thankfulness, yet also being able to acknowledge when something isn’t good and not feeling like I have to be thankful for that particular thing to still have a thankful heart.

The truth is, I have an eternal, unchanging, overarching reason for thankfulness.  I know I have said it before, but I like the reminder that my search for a reason to be thankful should begin and end with the cross.  I don’t need any more reason, and when I feel the need to search through my life for other things, my focus is averted from that one wholly sufficient reason.

Yes, I do still thank God for the blessings He gives me.  I am glad that my life is not devoid of good things, but my point is that I need to never elevate those things to the point where they are necessary for a heart-posture of thankfulness.  Having said that, I do think it is good for me to acknowledge those blessings upon occasion, not necessarily to project thankfulness, but more so to take the time to recognize His grace to me that goes so far beyond what I need or deserve…icing on the cake, I suppose.  So, here are some blessings in my life today…

…my baby girl.  She is sweet and gentle and beautiful.

…Tuesday pizza and movie night.  It is one of very few routines that we have managed to stick with for years (more than 5, at this point).  For now, my kids still get excited about it and that makes me happy.

…I got up when I first woke up (or, rather, was compelled awake by an awake baby), instead of trying to sleep longer in some vain attempt to feel rested.

…a better-than-yesterday-sore-throat.  I like being able to swallow without pain.

…an easy math lesson with Bethany.  She is very smart, but there are still days when it just.doesn’t.click.  I am glad that today was not one of those days.

…peace about the election today.  Some might consider it apathy, but it’s not.  I have confidence that God is bigger, despite the fact that neither possible outcome seems favorable.

…a knowledge that God is my fortress and refuge, defender and deliverer and that I don’t have to be strong enough.

…Tim’s working-from-home status.  I feel bad taking advantage of it, but it was awfully nice being able to vote today without five kids in tow…and it’s great to be able to share almost every meal with him.

So, there are some good things.  My life is full of blessings.  But if I lose them all, may my thankfulness not waver.

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