
There are few things that make me feel like a kid.  I am not often very child-like.  But thunderstorms are one of the rare exceptions.  I love them.  They remind me of my childhood when pouring rain was a drop-everything excuse to run outside, rather than inside.

It occurred to me today, as Caedmon’s baseball game was called because of the weather, that it may have confused some of the people who were [reasonably] rushing to their vehicles to see someone standing with five kids, unconcerned by the rain and wind.  I was waiting as Tim helped pick up the bats and helmets and such, and it honestly didn’t occur to me that I should be bothered by the weather.  I realized, though, that it was probably a bad-wife moment upon seeing how not-excited Tim was about standing in the rain while we got kids and ‘stuff’ into the van…something I could have done instead of waiting for him.

Luckily for me, while Tim does not share my love of rain, he knows how happy it makes me, and was quick to forgive my oversight.  And he lets me encourage our children to join in my excitement.  We got home and while I stood in the rain…probably with a ridiculously huge smile on my face the whole time…my kids rain around, just as giddy as me at getting thoroughly drenched.  Tim even came outside with Ava for a couple minutes…and if her smile was any indication, I think she will soon be a happy adherent to the lets-go-outside-because-it’s-pouring way of thinking.

And maybe, years from now, my kids will be thirty-somethings elatedly standing in the rain with their own little ones running around.  I guess it probably seems silly, but that thought makes me happy.

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