To see Him

My constant prayer lately is that I would see God clearly.  Life can make that hard sometimes.  Really, life can make that hard just about anytime, but I guess maybe I just realize it more when the disparity between seeing Him and not seeing Him is greater.  Too often, I look to circumstances and people for answers, for hope, for whatever it is I think I need.

But, as He is wont to do when there is a lesson I need to learn, God has been bombarding me with the truth that seeing Him changes everything.  When I am prone to hopelessness, or bitterness, or fear, or discouragement, fixing my gaze on His face brings things into perspective.  I find that He is my sufficiency, and I don’t have to try to make anything else enough.  I am reminded anew of the grace and forgiveness and love that He has poured out to me in my most undeserving moments, and I recognize my need do the same for others.  I become overwhelmed by His greatness and His goodness to me, and fear melts away while hope is restored.

With such life to be found in His presence, it might seem bewildering that my gaze should be so easily drawn away, but it is.  Maybe it’s selfishness, maybe it’s wanting to be in control, maybe it’s a belief that my emotions can be trusted…probably different things at different times.  Whatever the case, though, it means that I need continual correction.  So, I pray.  And I am thankful that He faithfully draws my eyes back to Him.

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