A garden lesson

I have a “habit” of taking a small break during my days these past few weeks to go outside and just wander around the yard, peruse the gardens, pull a few weeds, and just be alone for a few minutes.  The past few days have been cool ones, and today there is rain added in.  It’s the kind of weather that I love, but not the kind of weather I normally think would cause a garden to thrive.

Today, though, as I approached our first garden bed, I was almost startled by the size my broccoli and beets and beans had grown to, seemingly overnight.  I found the first pea pod, and kale leaves now large enough to be picked.  Moving on, I saw the asparagus plants now thriving after weeks of wondering if they were going to do anything at all, and cabbage plants, full and lovely…and God stirred something in my heart.

He reminded me that some plants need the cold to thrive.  My throat tightened at the thought, my eyes filled with tears.  I’ve been pleading with God to end this season of my soul that has been cold and dreary and harsh.  It’s nothing warm or beautiful or sunny.  But there is fruit that won’t be brought to bear in my life except in and through this season.

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