Today, Bethany is 8.

More and more frequently, I find myself being stunned by the realization that she is growing up.

I see it in her sense of humor which, though still not really refined, shows thought and understanding beyond the silliness of a little girl.

I see it in moments of conscientiousness – times when I previously would have expected words of direction or correction to be ignored, she is starting to take them to heart, and remember, and apply appropriately.

I see it when she explains a Bible passage and she really gets it, and doesn’t just repeat what she has read or heard.

I see it in how tall she is, in how strong she is, in how capable she can be when she sets her mind to task.

Yes, she is growing and maturing and learning.  She has far to go, still, but she has come far these past few years, too.  I don’t often take time to acknowledge that.  Too much, I miss her triumphs in the midst of trying to address her weaknesses.  But, when I really think about it, I can clearly see the refining process that is happening, and I am reminded of the beautiful, precious gift she is…to me, to us, to the world around her.

And because it pretty much sums up Bethany, a brief recounting of a recent interaction.

Bethany:  Who isn’t excited about tomorrow?

(I raise my hand…I’m honest, if not inspiring)

Bethany:  Why wouldn’t you be excited about tomorrow?!?!  Who knows?  It could be the best day of your whole life!!

I love her.

Happy Birthday, Miss Bethany.



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