what is ultimate

I read this blog post today and really appreciated the position and explanation regarding pastoral authority.  It was biblical, well-founded and fair.

I have read a lot on this topic lately, and have found two extremes that both tend to deviate from or ignore biblical truth in the matter.  While I firmly believe that God calls men to, and empowers them in, the role of pastor to those in the Church, they are not sinless.  While Christians are to honor, respect, and obey their leaders – in as much as they are walking in biblical truth – our broader obligation is to strive to keep all the standards set forth in the Word of God, even if a pastor wrongly opposes us.  While a pastor’s role includes bringing rebuke for sin, it also includes extending grace when sin is not the underlying cause of a disagreement.

Really, what it comes down to is that every Christian needs to keep God’s Word as the ultimate authority.  Never raising any philosophy of man to the level of inerrant truth, or applying it as a standard for determining righteous living. Choosing love when an issue isn’t biblically black and white.  Humbly recognizing that we are all fallible and in need of correction at times.  Allowing the end to justify the means only when the means are biblically supported.

I don’t write this because I think I have it all figured out.  I know that my heart is in constant need of realignment with God’s Word.  I know I have failed at times in my response to authority, pastoral and otherwise.  But I think it is important to acknowledge what Jesus said is most important – to love Him with all our heart, soul and strength – and to love our neighbor as ourselves.  This should be our frame of reference for every doctrine and philosophy that we adopt.

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