a dozen years of Elijah

It’s another birthday for my Bud.  Still very much the same kid…sensitive, witty, high-energy, prone to avoiding most work when he can…but showing more depth in some of these characteristics, along with some notable exceptions.

What I’ve come to recognize more in him, this past year especially, is what motivates him.  While Elijah really struggles with diligence in his every day tasks, he will go out of his way to do something that he knows will bless someone…usually me, but sometimes others, too.  He often will make my bed if I didn’t get to it right away. He readily helps bring in groceries, or instructs his younger siblings in a new task or game, or attends to the needs of anyone who isn’t feeling well.

He also will push himself extra hard when he feels he is competing with his older brothers (of course).  Right now, he can do more pull-ups and kip-ups than either of them…mostly, I think, because he puts in the effort to be better.  The extra inches in height both Caedmon and Nathanael have over him keep them faster than him, for now, but I anticipate the day in the not-so-very-far-off future when he knocks them off their proverbial laurels.

While he is great at comprehension in most areas of academics, he dislikes asking questions, or spending any “extra” time checking his work, which ironically results in much more time in fixing mistakes than he would have spent asking questions to begin with.  We’re working on it, though I sort of expect it’s something that will just take more time.

For now, I’m happy to see Elijah’s many strengths…his ability to make people laugh, his quick learning curve that allows him to pick up many unique skills in a very short time, his compassion, and his drive.  I love him more than words can say and I’m so thankful for these twelve years, and the precious gift he has always been to me.

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