an adult

The day has finally come.  Caedmon is eighteen today.  While I might feel at times like this fact is going to stop the world from spinning, there is too much to celebrate about these eighteen years for me to be overwhelmed with sadness.

I am beyond proud of the young man Caedmon is.  His strength of character shines through with every new challenge that he faces.  He does hard things.  He listens to correction and takes it to heart, sometimes pushing back, sometimes asking questions, but never dismissive, never too prideful to re-evaluate his position on a matter.  His faith and Biblical foundation are solid and haven’t wavered even in the face of frustration and disappointment.

He is a phenomenal big brother.  He chooses to play games with his littlest brother.  When a younger sibling starts a conversation with him, he listens and engages rather than ignoring or walking away.  He laughs at jokes, helps with school, and even acquiesces to snuggling with a little sister on occasion.

He began a part-time job this past fall and, as an employee, he has been faithful, diligent, hard-working and proactive.  He takes his responsibilities seriously and has begun learning about juggling work and school schedules, and prioritizing his time appropriately.

He still has a deep love for music…and Lego…and writing.  He has grown to have much greater interest in history, government and law.  While his dream job of Lego designer might not be something he can bank on, he has skills and interests that I’m confident will make him successful in whatever path he takes in life.  He doesn’t have a plan mapped out, so he’s learning even more to seek the Lord for his future, and to wait with confidence and peace.

I know that my days with him at home are numbered, and I will treasure every one.  Caedmon is a gift, more valuable than words can say, and truly one of my very best friends.  I am so privileged to call him my son.

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