five year old Lucas

My baby is five.  He seems to think he’s on the verge of adulthood, though.  Lucas tends to believe that there is nothing his older siblings can do that he can’t do.  He vacuums and mops, he fixes broken door handles and tapes up ripped book spines (all of his own volition).  He is pretty close to holding his own in races, and can still quite effectively tackle anyone. He has fairly successfully learned to play games not really meant for four year-olds (right now monopoly and chess are two of his favorites) so that he can interact with his older siblings (major kudos to the big brothers and sisters who have been so patient with his learning curve).  His analytical abilities astound me sometimes (like being able to figure out how to fix the broken door handle), and his comprehension of ideas that he’s presented with in books and movies is beyond his five years.

Lucas’s love for anything fast has remained constant.  When he was just a couple years old, it was cars, then the Flash, now Sonic.  He races around on his bicycle, and more than once has snuck out to the car or the tractor to “practice” being behind the wheel.

After mostly turning his nose up at the thought of being read to for the first four years of his life, Lucas has finally started to enjoy it, and will happily bring me a stack of books and snuggle up next to me.  He seems to have a particular fondness for books he finds funny, and I love getting to see and hear him laugh at his favorite parts.

Compassion, and emotions in general, run deep in this kid.  He is very aware if someone around him is sick or hurting.  He feels offenses very deeply, and takes notice of the moods of the people around him.  Big smiles and big hugs get even bigger smiles and bigger hugs from him in return.  He struggles to understand why he can’t always get his way, and in general puts more stock in how he feels about something than he really should.  We’re working on finding the balance in keeping him soft-hearted, but rational, too.

In truth, Lucas pushes so many more limits than I could have imagined possible.  But I was noting to Tim just the other day about how, more and more, those pushed limits have been manifesting instead as his self-motivation for accomplishing something, and his ability to identify what needs doing and figuring out how to get it done.  As so often happens, the areas where refining is necessary are also the areas where we see vast potential, and it makes me excited to see how God will shape him and use him in years to come.

I am so thankful for Lucas and blessed by the joy and exuberance he adds to each and every day.  What a wonderful gift these five years with him have been.


sweet sixteen

Bethany is 16 today.  As scary as the thought of her getting behind the wheel is to me (she’s been looking forward to the prospect of this for years), it is honestly not as scary as I thought it would be even a year ago.  I am actually a little stunned by how much Bethany has matured over the past year.  She has become my most diligent child in many aspects of chores and schoolwork.  I never dreamed I would be able to say that – my butterfly-chasing, dirt-throwing, day-dreaming little girl has become focused and organized and extremely capable.

She has invested more time and energy into hobbies that she loves – caring for her chickens, baking cakes and pastries, making chocolates, and learning to make jewelry out of polymer clay.  She is still a voracious reader, and will happily find a corner to curl up in any chance she gets.

Bethany isn’t often our most compassionate child, but she has demonstrated more thoughtfulness and sensitivity in the face of difficult moments lately.  Interestingly to me – in part because Bethany has struggled in the past to even manage her own chores well – the primary way she seems to show this compassion is by serving.  She will volunteer to make dinner, or start picking up around the house, or take charge of her younger siblings much more readily than she will give a hug or offer words of sympathy or encouragement.  It has truly been a such a blessing to me to see this response in her when someone (often me) is having a hard day or season.

There is so much about Bethany that is lovely and wonderful.  And seeing the young woman she is, and is becoming, is a testimony to me of God’s faithfulness.  Throughout her life, I have felt the most incapable of teaching, helping, and molding Bethany into all God wants her to be, and indeed, even now, I am still convinced of my ineptitude.  But God has worked in her life nonetheless.  She is strong and confident and smart and creative and beautiful.  I am so thankful for the gift that she is and for chance to celebrate her sixteen years today.

to Dad

You took your last breath on March 2, 2022, at 2:00 in the morning.  Geesh, even writing that makes me start crying. I wish I had been there.  I know you understand that I wasn’t – you went from stable to rapidly declining over the course of just a day – but I somehow feel like I should have been there to hold your hand and pray for you one last time.

I am thankful, though, for those few days in October when I got to see you, knowing the end might be around the corner.  I made sure to tell you the things that I thought were important,  I reminded you of God’s love for you, and that Jesus made a way for you to be with Him, I played you some of your favorite songs – and some of mine, and even though you forgot I was there just days later, you told me at the time that it was the “best visit ever”.

Still, if you were here, there are more things I would want to say to you.  I told you I was thankful that you are my dad, but there a lot of reasons why I’m thankful that I wish I had told you.

I’m thankful for the bike rides to Lake George, and stopping for ice cream on the way home.

I’m thankful that you taught me to throw and catch a football, and often asked if I wanted to play catch in the yard.

I’m thankful that you encouraged me to run around in the rain and play in puddles.

I’m thankful for the many times we would race in the yard.

I’m thankful that you played with us at the beach.

I’m thankful for the shared large sodas from Cumberland Farms when we would pick Mom up from the bus stop on her way home from work.

I’m thankful for your excitement on Christmas mornings.

I’m thankful that you always came to every night of our drama club performances.

I’m thankful that you and Mom helped pay for my trip to Guyana, even though you didn’t want me so far away for a month.

I’m thankful that you loved me enough to recognize the good husband I have in Tim, not just in spite of, but BECAUSE of his willingness to stand up to you when you spoke hurtful words in anger to me.

I’m thankful for you both comforting and scolding me when I was upset about a 97 on a test.

I’m thankful for you driving 11 hours each way to bring Jill and me home from college for Thanksgiving…which was a total of 44 hours driving in 5 days.

I’m thankful for you and Mom driving 12 hours at a moment’s notice when I had my second miscarriage, to comfort me.

I’m thankful that you came to my track meets and hung around just to watch a couple minutes of me jumping, or throwing, or running.

I’m thankful for family hikes that you always initiated.

I’m thankful for the long drives through back roads and beautiful scenery.

I’m thankful for your love of music, and all the music I know now…classic rock and early contemporary christian music…just because of you.

I’m thankful for the campaign signs you made for me during my one and only attempt at running for student government in 6th grade.

I’m so thankful, strange though you may think it, for you telling me “do as I say, not as I do”.  I know you meant it.  And I know how much you wanted to be “better” than you were, and how discouraging it can be to always feel like you’re falling short.

I’m thankful for you going out of your way to get me a meat-lovers pizza when I was pregnant with Caedmon.  And for making a special trip to the store to get me medicine for my headaches.

I’m thankful for the time you brought me a whopper for lunch while I was at work, and sat waiting for me for an hour because that was the one day I couldn’t take lunch at my normal time and I couldn’t even let you know, but you stayed and weren’t at all upset that I was late.

I’m thankful that, even though you rarely said it first, every time I told you I loved you, you said it back.

I’m thankful for the “Good morning” texts you sent every day for a few months, before you forgot how to send texts.

I’m thankful for the $10 you had Mom send me for my birthday last year.  It meant so much to me, even though I’m sure you thought it was too small.  I bought myself a Martha’s ice cream cone, with toasted coconut sprinkles, in honor of our many trips there.

I’m thankful for family spelling bees, and “dog-pile on Daddy”, and the times you had us kids try to hold you down, and the times you did arm curls with us holding onto your arms.

I’m thankful for the times I was angry, and you made me stand in front of you while you tried to make me laugh (which almost always worked).

I’m thankful for the times you would randomly bring home burgers or subs or pizza for dinner.

I’m thankful for the teddy bear that you insisted on getting me for Christmas, because you were getting Jill one, and you thought I should have one, too.

I’m thankful for memories of you kicking all our butts at Jeopardy, or Trivial Pursuit, or Axis and Allies.  You were an intelligent man, and I don’t think I ever told you that I thought so.

I’m thankful for the times you prayed for me.

I’m thankful that you always taught us that Jesus was our standard.

I’m thankful for the sacrifice you made being a stay-at-home dad.  I didn’t realize all that meant as a kid, but I know now how hard that can be, and you were kind of taken for granted.

I’m thankful for Alice Cooper blaring loudly out the windows when we would get home from the last day of school.

I’m thankful for impromptu trips to the Great Escape, always your idea.

I’m thankful you taught us about baseball stats, and all the different players (in the 80’s…I have no clue about any of the players now, haha).

I’m thankful that, though you often reacted harshly to things, you also almost always thought through things afterwards and softened your stance.

I’m thankful that I always knew you loved me and I always knew you’d be there for me when I needed you.

There’s probably a lot more I could say to you, things I’ll think of over the coming days, weeks, months, and years.  I wish we’d had more time, and I’m sure I will always miss you, but I believe your faith was sincere and I will see you again in glory.  I love you, Daddy.


offense, forgiveness, mercy

A little more than six years ago, a group of pastors and elders decided to kick us out of our church.  There was no biblical sin offense, and they would later tell our new pastor that they had no sin offense against us, that we just didn’t “fit” their “culture”.

It was an earth-shattering experience for us that left us with a lot of pieces of life to try to put back together, and while we have come to be grateful to not be a part of that church anymore, in my many months of searching scripture about forgiveness, I came to the conclusion that God does not ask, much less require, us to forgive an unrepentant Christian.  And believe me, I KNOW, this is not at all the popular “Christian” view on the matter, but the full counsel of scripture, to my mind, makes this clear.  Jesus himself said in Luke 17:3 “Take heed to yourselves.  If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him.” (emphasis mine).  Even the Lord’s prayer, that is so often referenced when someone states we have to forgive everyone, asks God to “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us”  and while we obviously don’t want to be disqualified from God’s forgiveness, since when does God forgive us without repentance?  Does He expect us to offer a more far-reaching forgiveness than He offers?  On the contrary, I John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins…”.

There is also absolutely nothing in the Bible about forgiveness bringing freedom to the person doing the forgiving, nor in general about forgiving someone for our own sake, as are popular opinions on the topic.  I’ve concluded that the concept of what forgiveness even is can vary widely, and that, often, it is misunderstood as not allowing oneself to be bitter or resentful – which would be a sinful response to an offense, not unforgiveness.  Needless to say, I have felt that those church leaders six years ago sinned against me and my family in a number of ways, and as there has never been repentance, I have not forgiven them…as in, I believe they are walking in sin, and will be judged by God one day for the sin they have not confessed as sin.  As I have had basically no contact with any of those men these six years, I haven’t really had to figure out how that gets walked out; the biblical example given for an unrepentant brother says “with such a one, do not even eat”, which, while helpful for understanding that there is to be no relationship, is not helpful for how to respond to a passing interaction.

So, today, when I happened to be in the same place as one of those men, and despite me desperately trying to keep my back to him, he said “Hi, Lori.  How are you?”, I just said a tight-lipped “Fine,” and turned away.  In truth, had I been a more confrontational sort of person, I’ve imagined that if ever such a situation arose, I would like to give him a piece of my mind, telling him he had no business speaking to me, much less, asking how I was.  But as it was, he did not make any further attempt at interaction, and I tried my best to ignore it.

After the fact, I thought that maybe I would write a post about why my response was justified, why the fake pleasantries of such an interaction are distasteful and dishonest, even about how it is important to me that my kids (one of whom was with me at the time) don’t ever have the opportunity to misinterpret the intentions of such people, who had knowingly and persistently hurt our family.  But as I got on the treadmill this afternoon – honestly intending to listen to some music that would remind me of the grace God showed us in bringing us out of a bad church situation – my mp3 player had just started the song “The Walk” by Steven Curtis Chapman.  Toward the end of the song, there is a refrain based on Micah 6:8 that repeats “do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God” over and over again.  And as I was listening to that, the words “love mercy” pierced my conscience.  Love mercy.  Love MERCY.  See, the interesting thing about mercy is that it is all about not giving someone the punishment they deserve – acknowledging a sin, an offense, a hurt as warranting a negative consequence, but choosing to show kindness instead.

The Holy Spirit convicted me of my own lack of mercy, and I pushed back, trying to justify that choice, but the realization I came to was that God shows each of us mercy every day of our lives, regardless of our standing with Him.  Our sin doesn’t just earn us a cold shoulder or a heated rebuke from the offended, but death.  And yet here we are.  God tarries in punishing us to see if we might, in time, choose repentance, forgiveness, eternal life.  And His word makes it clear that it is His kindness that leads us to repentance.  In our unrepentance, He is kind to us.  While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  His kindness doesn’t mean forgiveness.  One day, every sin will be accounted for.  My hurt and offense, and very strong belief that judgment awaits those walking in unrepentant sin, doesn’t give me the right to be unkind.  I am not the judge.  I am not the One who has the responsibility to mete out justice, now or ever.  My responsibility is to LOVE MERCY.  God help me to love mercy.

                 He has shown you, O man, what is      good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? — Micah 6:8




outward appearance

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t beat myself up about my size.

I weigh somewhere around 205 pounds, give or a take a couple pounds depending on the day.  Go ahead…gasp, cringe, shake your head.  It’s a high number, and I know it.  And I don’t have any interest in pushing the “big is beautiful” notion that seems to lately be circulating through our society.  I definitely know that I am not at my healthiest (or most beautiful) size.

I considered only vaguely referencing my weight, but I thought it was important to not be vague, for a couple of reasons.  First, so that I can say that while 205 pounds is more than I should weigh, a healthy weight for me is still 160-170 pounds, a weight at which many people would still cringe, and at which the supposed standard of a healthy weight, the BMI, still considers me overweight.  This tall, big-boned, big-muscled frame of mine just won’t ever be the petite, size 2 ideal to which many people compare themselves.  The second reason I mention my weight is so that when I say that I can still slow-jog 2-3 miles, I can still do ten real push-ups (as opposed to modified, or “girl”, push-ups), and I can still give my 100 pound 12-year old a piggy back ride up the stairs, I can also (hopefully) assert that being capable of these tasks at 200-plus pounds demonstrates a level of fitness that, while not exemplary, is also not laughable.

So, what’s the point?  Why am I writing this at all?  I guess, for starters, it’s because there’s a lot more nuance to a person’s weight than whether they eat too much, or exercise too little.  It’s because of the frustration I’ve faced in trying to reach some ideal weight, but realizing just how much stress, and poor sleep, and who-knows-how-many unknown health factors can thwart even my best efforts.  It’s because of the feeling of failure when I know I’ve eaten more than I should, or am too tired to exercise, or can’t exercise because of old injuries that seem to resurface with too much regularity.  And it’s because in the face of all of these reasons and excuses and discouragements, more and more, God seems to be challenging me to see things differently.

There are aspects of weight issues that are also sin issues.  Overeating, laziness, even inordinate stress responses can be displeasing to God.  But there are also contributing factors to weight issues that are not sin – injuries, hormone imbalances, insomnia, and grief, to name a few.  What I’m becoming even more aware of recently, though, is that there are also aspects of maintaining a “healthy” weight that can also be sinful.  Anytime we idealize something, it can slip into idolatry if we’re not careful.  Likewise, I don’t think that eating and exercise should be topics that consume large chunks of our time.  God’s concern for our attitudes and actions is far greater than His concern for our outward appearance.  While there was a time (in college) that I exercised extensively and significantly restricted my diet, the time and effort that would take away from my family and other responsibilities now would be poor stewardship on my part.

There’s meant to be a balance, I guess.  I believe it matters to God that we are healthy and physically strong enough to fulfill whatever He has called us to do, but I don’t think that is something that a number on a scale, or a size on a pair of pants can appropriately reflect.  And if we achieve our weight or size goals, but miss the more important work of life, I think God is grieved.  Even more, if we are setting those weight and size goals because of what the world says is healthy or beautiful, then it can become so easy to miss out on the truth that God created each one of us on purpose, in His image, to reflect His glory.  Sin can mar that, certainly, but it isn’t sin that makes my calf muscles huge or my hair gray or my torso long.  Those were God’s choices in the unique design He had for me.  I may not always think they were good choices, but since I’m not God, I have to conclude that I’m wrong and He didn’t make a mistake when He made me.

And as much as I might get bothered by my failings, it is so important to also recognize that there is grace to cover my failings – not to excuse them, but to acknowledge that there’s a reason I need Jesus.  I’m not going to ever be able to get everything right.  And that puts me in the same boat as everybody else, size 2 jeans or not.

an adult

The day has finally come.  Caedmon is eighteen today.  While I might feel at times like this fact is going to stop the world from spinning, there is too much to celebrate about these eighteen years for me to be overwhelmed with sadness.

I am beyond proud of the young man Caedmon is.  His strength of character shines through with every new challenge that he faces.  He does hard things.  He listens to correction and takes it to heart, sometimes pushing back, sometimes asking questions, but never dismissive, never too prideful to re-evaluate his position on a matter.  His faith and Biblical foundation are solid and haven’t wavered even in the face of frustration and disappointment.

He is a phenomenal big brother.  He chooses to play games with his littlest brother.  When a younger sibling starts a conversation with him, he listens and engages rather than ignoring or walking away.  He laughs at jokes, helps with school, and even acquiesces to snuggling with a little sister on occasion.

He began a part-time job this past fall and, as an employee, he has been faithful, diligent, hard-working and proactive.  He takes his responsibilities seriously and has begun learning about juggling work and school schedules, and prioritizing his time appropriately.

He still has a deep love for music…and Lego…and writing.  He has grown to have much greater interest in history, government and law.  While his dream job of Lego designer might not be something he can bank on, he has skills and interests that I’m confident will make him successful in whatever path he takes in life.  He doesn’t have a plan mapped out, so he’s learning even more to seek the Lord for his future, and to wait with confidence and peace.

I know that my days with him at home are numbered, and I will treasure every one.  Caedmon is a gift, more valuable than words can say, and truly one of my very best friends.  I am so privileged to call him my son.

a dozen years of Elijah

It’s another birthday for my Bud.  Still very much the same kid…sensitive, witty, high-energy, prone to avoiding most work when he can…but showing more depth in some of these characteristics, along with some notable exceptions.

What I’ve come to recognize more in him, this past year especially, is what motivates him.  While Elijah really struggles with diligence in his every day tasks, he will go out of his way to do something that he knows will bless someone…usually me, but sometimes others, too.  He often will make my bed if I didn’t get to it right away. He readily helps bring in groceries, or instructs his younger siblings in a new task or game, or attends to the needs of anyone who isn’t feeling well.

He also will push himself extra hard when he feels he is competing with his older brothers (of course).  Right now, he can do more pull-ups and kip-ups than either of them…mostly, I think, because he puts in the effort to be better.  The extra inches in height both Caedmon and Nathanael have over him keep them faster than him, for now, but I anticipate the day in the not-so-very-far-off future when he knocks them off their proverbial laurels.

While he is great at comprehension in most areas of academics, he dislikes asking questions, or spending any “extra” time checking his work, which ironically results in much more time in fixing mistakes than he would have spent asking questions to begin with.  We’re working on it, though I sort of expect it’s something that will just take more time.

For now, I’m happy to see Elijah’s many strengths…his ability to make people laugh, his quick learning curve that allows him to pick up many unique skills in a very short time, his compassion, and his drive.  I love him more than words can say and I’m so thankful for these twelve years, and the precious gift he has always been to me.

Ava is nine

Ava’s birthday always takes me by surprise.  Partly because of the fact that it comes right at the start of our school year, which consumes much of my focus, but also because Ava herself is so often unassuming and quiet that she just fits in, which too often also means that she can be easily overlooked.  It makes me sad to say that, but it also makes me want more to highlight the fact that there are so many amazing things about Ava.

Even the fact of her usually calm and peaceful demeanor is noteworthy.  She is most willing among all of my children to prefer someone else, to not argue about what movie gets picked to watch, to not try to demand the biggest or the best of anything.  She has her moments of not seeing past herself, but they are relatively few and far between.

Ava is also somewhat of a conundrum in her physical activities.  When she is not playing, she would mostly prefer to have everything done for her and doesn’t like to exert herself in any way.  But when she is playing, she can run fast, throw well, and generally out-do most other kids her age.  Likewise, her usually easy-going personality transitions to one that is boisterous, competitive, and persistent.

As far as interests go, Ava’s seem evenly split between science/technology/construction and arts and crafts.  She has a quick understanding of how things work, and truly loves to see things come together into something new or functional.  Her sense of size and proportion is exceptional for a nine-year old, and her comprehension of logic and mechanics is also impressive.

Thankfully, Ava still loves hugs and snuggles.  Although she is growing, she continues to be able to curl up on a lap as though she were still three, or manage to squeeze her way in to the smallest of gaps just to sit next to someone.  She regularly makes little “I love everybody” notes for everyone to enjoy…she can’t handle the thought of telling one person she loves them, but not telling every other person that she loves them, too.  She is sensitive, sweet and gentle – beautiful inside and out.  I love my Ava Grace so much, and I’m beyond thankful for her nine years.

Nathanael at fourteen

As I think about Nathanael today, I am reminded of the many ways in which he is unique among his siblings.  With the possible exception of Ava, he is our quietest child.  It can be hard to know how he’s feeling about something, even when trying hard to get him to open up.  He is rarely a complainer and though he has come to express his preferences more often as of late, he still will often be happier to go along with the preferences of others than to introduce conflict.  However, when Nathanael does engage in conversation (rather than choosing a grunt as a response…which happens way too often) he gives insightful responses that regularly demonstrate a perspective and depth of thought I suspect are not common in fourteen year old boys.

He remains, as always, a voracious reader…and perhaps the most humorous demonstration of this is the way we often find him reading the promotional material and  nutritional information on any food packaging that might be at hand.  Even more interesting to me is the depth of processing that even such mundane reading is subjected to in Nathanael’s mind, such that he often informs us of things like errors in the calculations of calories for a food item, or thoughtful comparisons of ingredients of one food product with another.  Counter to his otherwise quiet nature, he will freely and happily share about all of the interesting factoids he has come across in his random reading throughout the day.  While he once dreaded long car-rides – anything longer than 20 minutes – he has come to relish the opportunity to hunker down and have long stretches of mostly uninterrupted book time.

In addition to reading, Nathanael has also become quite a fan of gardening.  While this interest has been in the works for several years, this summer has been the first time he has really acknowledged and embraced this interest (maybe gardening doesn’t seem like an acceptable pastime for a teenage boy?).  He researched and planned and planted his own small plot of corn, on which he is now so excited to see producing ears of corn.  Every day, he faithfully helps check for cucumbers and zucchini, and inspects the progress on our tomatoes.  He even happily volunteered to help…or really, spearhead, the process of making and canning pickles last week.  And unlike most of my other kids, he actually enjoys cucumbers even when they’re not in pickle form, and will happily devour a half of a large cucumber in one sitting.

Lest the quiet, book-devouring, garden-loving description give the impression that Nathanael is a gentle, fragile sort, I should also point out his affinity for tree-climbing that often requires me bite my tongue when I fear he is less than cautious.  And his tae-kwon-do abilities that showcase his natural agility and quick reactions.  Or his recent interest in ninja-warrior type challenges that have compelled him to start…swinging?…jumping, but with his arms?…from one tree branch to another, and to begin researching how to construct his own obstacles on which to practice. He also continues to take great interest in construction projects, and any task that requires him to take apart or demolish something.

Really, Nathanael is just a well-rounded kid who will take an interest in almost anything he can find to do.  He is a hard worker and is not afraid to tackle new challenges.  In our Bible study times, he asks tough questions, and diligently searches scripture for answers and explanations.  He finds logical connections that can tie seemingly unrelated ideas together.

And he still will sit close, and not shy away if I put my arm around him.  Not really the demand for “nuggles” he would make as a toddler, but I’ll take it.  I’m so thankful for this kid, and can’t say enough how special and how loved he is.  Fourteen years of Nathanael have been so much joy to my heart, I’m so glad we get to take a day to remind him what a gift he is.

Sweetpea at 7

Isabelle is another year older, though in truth, she has always seemed older than her age suggests.  Being so close in age to Ava, she has long since decided that she is capable of doing anything Ava can do, and expects to be treated as such.  We have had to temper this attitude a bit, but whenever given the opportunity, she works hard and proves to those around her that she can [almost always] do whatever she sets her mind to do.

From the very first, Isabelle has been quick to help, eager to learn new skills, and insistent on being around anyone who might be taking on an in interesting endeavor.  She is my near constant companion in the kitchen, with questions flowing as fast as I can answer them, and a desire to do everything.  This is a challenge for my somewhat particular personality, but on my more gracious days, I try to hand her the reins when I can, and brace myself for extra mental effort it brings (okay, so this isn’t one of my parenting strengths).  But even despite my reluctance, Isabelle is persistent and isn’t easily discouraged from seeking out new opportunities for herself.

Isabelle is also a nurturer.  She loves to take care of people, and she’s good at it.  From volunteering for all the random tasks, to coming up with her own ideas on what might help someone, she puts all of herself into being a mother hen whenever she gets the chance.  She’ll give endless hugs, and back-rubs, and snuggles.  She’ll make tea, and fetch ice packs, and adjust pillows and blankets.  And all with a huge smile on her face.  Because she loves to be able to DO things to show love to people.

When it comes to school, Isabelle has definite strengths in math and reading, but is still working on listening well.  It will come in time, I’m sure, and I guess this is one of those areas where I  need to just remind myself that she’s only turning seven – she’s learning her multiplication facts and reading chapter books and measuring ingredients and folding laundry and helping in the garden – I guess pronouns can wait.

And I have to say, nothing can make me smile like this girl.  She has the BEST giggle ever.  Her smile still melts my heart.  She writes songs for me and tells me she thinks I’m beautiful….and I know this isn’t supposed to be about me, but these are the ways I see her wonderful heart shining through.  I love my Isabelle Sophia more than words can say.  I have been so blessed by her these seven years, and as always, I am grateful for the chance to celebrate her and all the qualities that make her unique and – as she aspires to be – marvelous.